(Vulpen, 2020)

What is 9 Box?

According to their performance and potential, employees are split into nine categories using the well-known talent management method known as the 9 box grid.

Managers frequently focus on two factors when evaluating employee performance. both their current performance as well as their predicted future performance (i.e. their growth potential).

As an illustration, both All-Stars who excel in their roles and dedicated employees with limited room for advancement are excellent additions to any team. Low-potential personnel, on the other hand, will need a lot of management support and are unlikely to improve. They demand a unique strategy.(You’ve Just Completed the 9-Box Talent Grid? Now What?, 2021)

The nine-box grid offers a structure for managing every person in a business.(You’ve Just Completed the 9-Box Talent Grid? Now What?, 2021)

The 9-box talent evaluation, developed by McKinsey in 1970, was used by GE to determine significant investments and to contrast distinct business areas. Later, utilizing a 9-box talent grid or matrix, the approach developed into a popular HR tool for evaluating employee performance and potential.(K. White, 2022)

(You’ve Just Completed the 9-Box Talent Grid? Now What?, 2021)

Using the 9-Box Grid for Performance Management

Following the nine-box categorization of personnel, managers can construct unique development plans for each employee based on that category. Generally speaking, you should devote the majority of your time, energy, and resources to top performers with great potential and the smallest amount to low performers with low potential.(Schroeder, 2021)

  • Low Performers with Low Potential

Usually, those who are deemed low performers and/or have low potential call for immediate attention. Finding the cause of the issue, such as a poor match for the position, unclear role expectations, or a bad onboarding process, is crucial. It's critical to consider whether anything can be done to help these individuals improve as performers over time, even if you don't want to overinvest in them in the long run. (Schroeder, 2021)

  • Low Performers with Moderate to High Potential

Even though it may seem counterintuitive, people might have low performance levels but tremendous potential. These people frequently possess the fundamental knowledge or credentials required to advance within the organization, but they do not have the relevant work experience or qualifications for the position they now hold. A fresh graduate with little experience who is expected to adjust and pick things up quickly might serve as an example of this. Although this person may have trouble using their information for the first time, they still have a great deal of future achievement ahead of them. For these people, it may be beneficial to set clear goals and design individualized development programs to aid in their onboarding and growth.(Schroeder, 2021)

  • Moderate to High Performers with Low Potential

People with poor potential can also achieve reasonably to wonderfully on the other end of the range. These people are essential to the existence of organizations because they are excellent at what they are doing right now. You should make every effort to ensure that these individuals are happy and appreciative of their efforts. Also keep in mind that these employees might not be the best fit for new positions with more complex or diversified duties..(Schroeder, 2021)

  • High Performers with High Potential

You can see your high-potential staff in the top-right corner of the matrix. It becomes more crucial to devote time and money to these people's development as you get closer to the goal. To ensure that your top talent reaches their maximum potential, they must be developed. It is to your organization's best advantage to demonstrate that their potential is acknowledged and that they have prospects for development and promotion inside the company because failing to invest in these people could lead to their loss to rivals.

Be clear about role expectations, offer chances for training and education, and give continual feedback to encourage progress. Rotations and work shadowing are two other fantastic ways to provide high-performing, high-potential employees with new experiences and practical training. Offer top talent chances for coaching and mentoring whenever you can to ensure they get the support they need as they advance throughout the organization. Furthermore, it's crucial to maintain regular contact with your organization's top personnel to make sure they are happy with both their present roles and their growth objectives.(Schroeder, 2021)


You’ve Just Completed the 9-Box Talent Grid? Now What? (2021) Keystone Partners. Available at: https://www.keystonepartners.com/blog/youve-just-completed-the-9-box-talent-grid-now-what (Accessed: November 22, 2022).

Vulpen, E. van (2020) The 9 Box Grid: A Practitioner’s Guide - AIHR, AIHR. Available at: https://www.aihr.com/blog/9-box-grid/ (Accessed: November 22, 2022).

K. White, A. S. (2022) What is the 9-box talent review? A matrix for identifying top performers, CIO. Available at: https://www.cio.com/article/308431/what-is-the-9-box-talent-review-a-matrix-for-identifying-top-performers.html (Accessed: November 22, 2022).

Schroeder, H. (2021) The 9-Box Grid: How to Use it and its Limitations - SIGMA Assessment Systems, SIGMA Assessment Systems. Available at: https://www.sigmaassessmentsystems.com/9-box-grid/ (Accessed: November 22, 2022).


  1. I think performance management tools help people to perform to the bestof their abilities and produce the highest quality work more efficiently and eeffectively.

    1. Yes, of course. like that are right. I have just mentioned a few things here but I can agree with all of the things you mentioned

  2. Performance tool would be change according to person by person's as well as positive by position if you can talk further that's good

    1. we can rate this person's performance in this role

      Set Performance Standards, 
      Specific Goals, and Expectations.
      Throughout the year, take notes.
      Be Ready; Be Honest and Precise in Your Criticism; and Be Prepared.
      Avoid Comparing Employees.
      Consider the performance rather than the person.
      Have a discussion.


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