What is a SMART Goal?

(Illustrative Diagram Smart Goals Concept On Stock Photo 561911998 | Shutterstock, no date)

The acronym SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely. There is a SMART way to write management's goals and objectives, and it was first introduced in a 1981 essay by George Doran, Arthur Miller, and James Cunningham.
The purpose of the concept was to provide a straightforward, smarter, and more narrowly focused approach to creating and attaining goals. A SMART goal has all the components needed to carry out and achieve a certain purpose or target. These are important ingredients in goal-setting.(Belyh, 2021)

According to the definition, a goal is anything you aspire to achieve. It is a purpose or objective that gives life meaning and makes one feel content. Using the notion of smart objectives makes it simpler to achieve both personal and professional goals. It boosts productivity, keeps you motivated and focused, makes sure your plan is implemented properly, and opens the way for your career growth.(Belyh, 2021)

What aim do you wish to achieve? and other such inquiries are part of smart goals. How do you intend to approach it? What motivated you to set this objective? Is it feasible? Do you possess the necessary skills to fulfill them? What would you do if you lacked the necessary resources? When do you intend to complete the objectives? In order to create a clear and concise picture, consider the answers to these questions when you set your goals.(Belyh, 2021)

Having SMART goals can help you identify attainable objectives. If they are not practicable, it helps in deciding what alternative measures to do. Using the SMART goal framework, a timetable is provided to you that tracks your objectives and advancement. (Belyh, 2021)

(Belyh, 2021)

Specific: Goals should be simple to read and concisely state what you want to achieve, including the what, why, and how. The five "W" questions are often addressed by a single objective. (SMART goals: How to set goals for your studies ❘ STUWO, 2021)

  • What: What am I trying to achieve?
  • Why: Particular motivations, objectives, or advantages of achieving the objective.
  • Who: Who is involved?
  • Where: Identify a location. 
  • Which: Identify requirements and constraints.

Measurable: Goals should be quantified so that you have conclusive proof that you have reached your objective. There are frequently multiple short-term or smaller metrics included within the objective, but often the entire goal statement serves as a measure for the project. A quantifiable goal typically provides an answer to queries like:(SMART goals: How to set goals for your studies ❘ STUWO, 2021)

 • How much?

 • How many?

 • How will I know when it is accomplished?

 • Indicators should be quantifiable

Attainable: Goals should be attainable; they should stretch you just enough to feel challenging yet be clearly defined enough for you to be able to reach them. To accomplish the aim, you must have the necessary information, skills, and talents. Unattainable objectives demotivate them. Usually, the answer is an achievable goal.:(SMART goals: How to set goals for your studies ❘ STUWO, 2021)

 • How: How can the goal be accomplished?

Relevant: Relevant results, not simply activities, should be measured by goals. Goals should be important. Having a relevant aim means you may say yes to the following:

Do you think this is worthwhile?

Is this the appropriate moment?

• Does this fit with our other needs or efforts?

• Do you work perfectly?

• Does it apply to the socioeconomic and technological context of today?

Time-related: Goals should be tied to a timeline that generates a feeling of practical urgency or creates conflict between the present situation and the goal's intended future state. Without this tension, the objective is unlikely to result in an important result. Usually, the solution will be a deadline-based objective.:(SMART goals: How to set goals for your studies ❘ STUWO, 2021)

 • When?

 • What can I do six months from now?

 • What can I do six weeks from now?

 • What can I do today?

                                              (Achieve More by Setting Smart Goals, 2015)                                                          


01.Belyh, A. (2021) SMART Goals: Definition and Powerful Examples | FounderJar, FounderJar. Available at: (Accessed: November 6, 2022).

02.SMART Goal Setting Theory | From MEDIOCRE To MAGNIFICENT In 5 Easy Steps (2021) YouTube. Available at: (Accessed: November 6, 2022).

03.SMART goals: How to set goals for your studies ❘ STUWO (2021) STUWO. Available at: (Accessed: November 13, 2022).

04.Achieve More by Setting Smart Goals (2015) YouTube. Available at: (Accessed: November 13, 2022).

05.Illustrative Diagram Smart Goals Concept On Stock Photo 561911998 | Shutterstock (no date) Shutterstock. Available at: (Accessed: November 13, 2022).


  1. Smart goal theory is a general principle that we use in our daily activities and you have presented a very valuable article about it.

  2. You have clearly explained everything related to the SMART goal cocept.valuable article

  3. Goals are part of every aspect of business/life and provide a sense of direction, motivation, a clear focus, and clarify importance.this will clear from while watiching the video nice artical

    1. Yes, that's what I'm trying to talk about. We need to know how valuable employee direction, motivation, a clear focus, and clarify importance is to an organization.

  4. Goals are part of every aspect of business/life and provide a sense of direction, motivation, a clear focus, and clarify importance. By setting goals, you are providing yourself with a target to aim for. A SMART goal is used to help guide goal setting. Well described article.

    1. For a firm hoping to increase its own business volume, this is the most crucial subject. I wanted to talk about this because of it. I appreciate your suggestion, and I believe this may have taught you something.

  5. There are Smart goals in our private life and organization You can discribe further here

    1. Of course Wimal, By making objectives precise, measurable, attainable, reasonable, and timely, SMART goals position you for success. The SMART approach encourages you to go farther, provides you with a feeling of purpose, and you in organizing and achieving your objectives.

  6. It is really important to set our goals smart in order to be efficient. How does this impact Performance ?

    1. Setting objectives enables you to develop new habits, direct your attention, and maintain your momentum in life. A sense of self-mastery and concentration alignment are two additional benefits of goals. In the end, you can't measure what you can't manage, and you can't improve what you can't manage well.


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